(978) 872-6633

Humane Live Trapping Services

Safe, Ethical, and Effective Wildlife Removal

At North Shore Wildlife, we specialize in live trapping solutions to safely remove unwanted wildlife from homes and businesses. Our humane approach ensures that nuisance animals such as raccoons, skunks, squirrels, and groundhogs are handled responsibly and in compliance with Massachusetts wildlife laws.

Why Live Trapping?

Live trapping is a safe and ethical way to address wildlife conflicts while ensuring that animals are removed from your property in accordance with state regulations. We take extra precautions to ensure each situation is handled humanely and professionally.

What Animals Do We Trap?

Our team is experienced in handling:

Raccoons – Frequent attic invaders that can cause property damage.

Skunks – Known for burrowing under decks and creating odor issues.

Squirrels – Can chew through soffits and create fire hazards in attics.

Groundhogs – Their burrows can weaken foundations and destroy landscaping.