(978) 872-6633

Did you know...

Groundhogs begin hibernation by the middle of October and typically emerge in February. They can burrow
up to 2-4 feet underground and may extend 15-25 feet horizontally. Groundhogs can cause a lot of damage to your property digging tunnels under your deck, shed, and porch.

Ground Exclusion

When animals make your deck, shed, or porch their home there is a solution. Our technicians dig a trench around the perimeter of the structure, attach a steel mesh barrier to the bottom of the structure, then run the mesh into the ground and fill the trench back in. We also install a one-way door just in case there is a critter underneath the structure when we perform the exclusion so we can give it an opportunity to leave but not return.

[email protected]


72 Elm Street #4 Salisbury, Ma 01952

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